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[Addons] CSGO Remake 1G modified by weedness

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Description: CS add-on: NUBO's GO Remake, modified with custom plugins, very fine!
Its content:
Author: Nubo (Modified by Dragon)
; R4ge-server guard.amxx
csgo_remake.amxx debug
; sank_sounds.amxx
; AMX Mod X plugins
; Admin Base - Always one must be activated
admin.amxx; admin base (required for any admin-related)
; admin_sql.amxx; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)
; Basic
admincmd.amxx; basic admin console commands
adminhelp.amxx; help command for admin console commands
adminslots.amxx; slot reservation
multilingual.amxx; Multi-lingual management
; Menus
menufront.amxx; front-end for admin menus
cmdmenu.amxx; command menu (speech, settings)
plmenu.amxx; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
; plmenu_ab_base.amxx
; telemenu.amxx; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
mapsmenu.amxx; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
pluginmenu.amxx; Menus for commands / cvars organized by plugin
; Chat / Messages
adminchat.amxx; console chat commands
antiflood.amxx; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
scrollmsg.amxx; displays a scrolling message
imessage.amxx; displays information messages
adminvote.amxx; vote commands
; Map related
nextmap.amxx; displays the next map in mapcycle
mapchooser.amxx; allows to vote for next map
timeleft.amxx; displays time left on map
; Configuration
pausecfg.amxx; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
statscfg.amxx; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands
; Counter Strike
; restmenu.amxx; restrict weapons menu
statsx.amxx; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
; miscstats.amxx; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
; stats_logging.amxx; weapon stats logging (CSX Module required!)
; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins
; amxmod_compat.amxx; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer
; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here
weed_who.amxx (who in console)
weed_whomeniu.amxx (who is in the form of a hud)
weed_viponline.amxx (show vipi online "CS: GO Remake VIP")
; weed_vipsistem.amxx (vip test system)
weed_multijumpvip.amxx (multijump to vip)
weed_viptrail.amxx (back effect at vip)
weed_tagvip.amxx (tag in scoreboard "VIP")
weed_modelevip.amxx (VIP main models)
weed_camera.amxx (to see third person / first person or etc)
weed_mesaje.amxx (automatic messages)
weed_3dranks.amxx (rankuri 3d)
weed_rs.amxx (resetscore)
admin_spec_esp.amxx (to check hackers)
weed_rank.amxx (advanced rank plugin)
advanced_bans.amxx (advanced ban)
weed_pika.amxx (pika plugin)
weed_vipmenu.amxx (vip menu)
; weed_mvp.amxx (former MVP plug-in, newer settings in addon configuration)
newscorehud.amxx (scor hud)
; weed_scor.amxx (former hud hudson if i remember)
weed_c4.amxx (c4 timer)
weed_parasuta.amxx (parasuta)
weed_iconwpn.amxx (left arrow icon)
weed_backwpn.amxx (gun on the back)
ultimate_sounds.amxx (ultimate sounds)
allchat.amxx (the dead can talk with vivid, and vice versa)
; Gag_Manager.amxx (an old gag manager)
amx_ss.amxx (for screenshots)
transfer.amxx (transfer players)
weed_lastip.amxx (check ips)
weed_showip.amxx (check ips)
; weed_vipevent.amxx (event vip free "I only activate when I wanted to be vip online")
ptb.amxx (player's swing)
NameReplacer.amxx (change name or kick if it has the ad)
weed_vipbhop.amxx (bhop vip automatically as csgo)
health_display.amxx (shows hp bottom center)
; csjump_lejkee18_hook.amxx (hook vip! not panic)
cfg_hse.amxx (effect when you take head + message)
; oferabani.amxx (money offering system)
; cer_instelat.amxx (the beautiful sky, we only activate it for Christmas)
; weed_muzicarunda.amxx (round music, we're still testing it)
meniumodelevip2.amxx (special VIP menu menu)
advanced_gag.amxx (other advanced gag)
meniuinfoadminvip.amxx (admin / vip info menu)
meniumodeleadmin2.amxx (admin menu)
; weed_melodii.amxx (melody on the server)
melodiigo.amxx (melodies on server 2)
Map_Spawns_Editor.amxx (we also had events respawn on the server)
chatfix.amxx (fix chat on csgo remake)
HostnameTimeleft.amxx (timeleft on behalf of the server)
sbd.amxx (special bullet damage, looks dmg)
; welhud.amxx (welcome hud)
country_on_name_with_cvars.amxx (shows the country in name "Unfortunately it was a bad idea to put it on csgo remake")
CONNECT.amxx (shows the country when you connect, this goes
; playermodel.amxx (models to players, first failed as test)
players_models.amxx (who puts models to the players, that is, CS ones: GO!)
- Chat / Admin Commands: Discover them!

Download link: - Download: CLICK HERE  Additionally, the addon has small advertisements, but if you are a smart boy you can edit them because I was forced to save the SMAs.
mages (Obviously): I did not have time to do, you'll see them in addons

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